SUP International

SUP International

۰ از ۰ رای

توضیحات فارسی

Founded in 2008, SUP International Magazine is loaded with amazing photos, interviews with the sports biggest names, technique tips, product tests and trips to the coolest spots. A definitive guide to the sport of stand up paddle boarding, we're constantly showcasing new products, discovering new angles, unveiling the most critical action and aim to make you a better and more motivated paddle boarder. Published twice a year.

توضیحات انگلیسی

Founded in 2008, SUP International Magazine is loaded with amazing photos, interviews with the sports biggest names, technique tips, product tests and trips to the coolest spots. A definitive guide to the sport of stand up paddle boarding, we're constantly showcasing new products, discovering new angles, unveiling the most critical action and aim to make you a better and more motivated paddle boarder. Published twice a year.

جزیيات بیشتر Magzter Inc.
تعداد دانلود ۰
حجم فایل ۱۹.۵۲ MB
نسخه ۶.۱۶.۰
کمترین نسخه iOS IOS 8.0
رده سنی 4+
قیمت نهایی رایگان

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