۳ از ۱ رای

توضیحات فارسی

#DRIVE is an endless driving videogame inspired by road and action movies from 1970s. As simple as possible, allowing the player to pick a car, pick the place and just hit the road. Just be aware not to hit anything else.

No matter where we drive, no matter what we drive or how fast we drive. We simply chose to drive. And you?

توضیحات انگلیسی

#DRIVE is an endless driving videogame inspired by road and action movies from 1970s. As simple as possible, allowing the player to pick a car, pick the place and just hit the road. Just be aware not to hit anything else.

No matter where we drive, no matter what we drive or how fast we drive. We simply chose to drive. And you?

EULA: https://www.drive.game/eula Terms Of Use: https://www.drive.game/terms-of-use Privacy Policy: https://www.drive.game/privacy-policy

جزیيات بیشتر Dariusz Pietrala
تعداد دانلود +۷۲۰
حجم فایل ۶۵۰.۷ MB
نسخه ۳.۱.۳۳۰
کمترین نسخه iOS IOS 13.0
رده سنی 4+
قیمت نهایی رایگان
۴ سال و۵۹ ماه و۷ روز پیش کاربر گفته :

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